The first of our three interviews to celebrate National Coaches Week, we checked in with BC Snowboard Assistant Coach & BC Coach Developer (who also owns and runs the North Shore Snowboard club in Vancouver, BC) Meghan Hebert on the topics of inclusion and Women In Snowboarding.
Canada Snowboard: What are some unique hurdles women in snowboarding face today?
Meghan Hebert: I’m not sure if the hurdles women face in snowboarding are unique or if they are just the same hurdles women face everyday. In snowboarding women have the opportunity to showcase there skills and knowledge just the same as men do so there really isn’t an argument whether women are good enough or know what they're talking about. Hopefully one day people will stop those back handed comments we’ve all heard but until then as long as women in snowboarding keep pushing the sport, themselves, boundaries and each other the hurdles we face are just going to get easier to jump over.
CS: Have you noticed any progression in the status of women in snowboarding since you started coaching?
MH: Over the years since I started coaching, I’ve noticed more women taking on the "I can do what you can do" attitude. There have always been those women out there progressing the sport but over the last few years I’ve seen younger girls that are strong, confident and persistent that want to progress and push the sport. I also think women film crews like Full Moon have really helped with that change in mind set.
CS: What’s been the most important thing you’ve learned as a coach?
MH: It’s hard to say what the most important thing I’ve learned as a coach is because you never really stop learning or growing. Snowboarding is always changing, technology is always changing and there is always new information being published. So I guess the most important thing I’ve learned is there is always something new to learn and to never think you know everything. With the drive to learn more I’ve become more comfortable and confident in asking questions, speaking up and advocating for my athletes/myself.
CS: What does inclusion mean to you?
MH: For me inclusion means finding ways to make snowboarding/sport more accessible to everyone and anyone. With that I want to make sure those who I work with or will work with feel comfortable and supported while pursuing their goals.