Safe Sport

Member Services

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Accident, Incident & Medical  Reporting/submissions


Coaches must report each accident within 24 hours when a Canada Snowboard member is injured and requires medical attention during a sanctioned activity. 

*PLEASE NOTE - Your PTSA will be notified when a accident report is submitted by your supervising coach.

* PLEASE NOTE - Canada Snowboard High Performance Team, please reach out to your Team Manager for a separate injury report submission form.

* PLEASE NOTE - Canada Snowboard Judges and Officials, please reach out directly to Canada Snowboard - vasb@pfs.pn for a separate injury report submission.



In the event of a head injury and/or any symptoms of a concussion, Canada Snowboard Member Clubs are responsible for following the Canada Snowboard's Concussion policies and procedures.

CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT an Accident Report


For a detailed walkthrough if this process - CLICK HERE


Below is the form to be filled out in the case of an incident involving two or more parties and/or in the case of property damage. This is also used in the case of EMERGENCY related situations.



Should an athlete need to provide medical clearance before taking part sanctioned Canada Snowboard Activities, the athlete can submit the documentation below.

Click here to submit a Return to Sport: Medical Clearance Submisson


For those who have Purchased SAIP INSURANCE


The following is a step by step guide on how to proceed if an accident/injury occurs during a CS sanctioned activity, and how to either have the insurance company pay the expenses directly, or to claim for medical expenses if, and only if, the injured member purchased SAIP Accident Insurance, from CS, when they purchased/renewed their license. Members who did not purchase the appropriate Class level of accident insurance or who were injured during non-CS sanctioned activities are not eligible to claim for medical expenses.


Injuries within Canada


In the event of an accident or injury requiring treatment, the member or supervising coach of a member who purchased SAIP (CLASS 3 (in-country), 1, 2, 4 or 5 (out-of-country)) Accident Insurance*, must contact Global Excel IMMEDIATELY following the accident, if the accident requires any sort of medical treatment.

Global Excel
Canada & US Global Excel (24hr): +1-877-207-5018
Worldwide (24hr / call collect)*: +0-819-566-3940
* If you have difficulty connecting from overseas, please reference International Calling Instructions from CS

Insurer: AIG Insurance Co. of Canada 
Insurance Broker: BFL CANADA Insurance Services Inc.
POLICY # GTP 9425873A - Begins July 1st, 2024

Global Excel will facilitate and/or recommend a course of action for treatment, and will subsequently aid in claim support. Please ensure that you receive a claim number from Global Excel and make note of it, for future reference. It is Global Excel Insurance who will provide direction as to the procedure to complete a claim for medical reimbursement, if needed.

They are the primary contact in the case of injury, where the member has purchased SAIP Accident Insurance from CS.


An Accident Report Form must be submitted as soon as possible after the accident, but no later than 30 days after the accident.


If the member did not purchase any level of SAIP Accident Insurance, then the accident report form is filed and no further action will be taken.

*Please note that the CS's accident insurance is “excess insurance”, which means that you must exhaust all other valid insurance coverage, from your Provincial/Territorial healthcare system first, followed by any personal accident insurance (Blue Cross, benefits through parents or work, etc.) before attempting to make a claim through the AIG/FC.


Injuries Outside of Canada



All athletes and coaches MUST purchase the Out-of-Country SAIP (CLASS 1, 2, 4, or 5) Accident Insurance* (depending on the length and frequency of travel) BEFORE they take part in any snowboarding activities outside of the country. These snowboarding activities must also be SANCTIONED by CS, which is the responsibility of the club and/or coach.


In the event of an accident or injury requiring treatment outside of the country, the member or the supervising coach must contact Global Excel IMMEDIATELY following the accident. 

Global Excel
Canada & US Global Excel (24hr): +1-877-207-5018
Worldwide (24hr / call collect)*: +0-819-566-3940
* If you have difficulty connecting from overseas, please reference International Calling Instructions from CS

Insurer: AIG Insurance Co. of Canada 
Insurance Broker: BFL CANADA Insurance Services Inc.
POLICY # GTP 9425873A

Global Excel will facilitate and/or recommend a course of action for treatment, and will subsequently aid in claim support. Please ensure that you receive a claim number from Global Excel and make note of it, for future reference. It is Global Excel  who will provide direction as to the procedure to complete a claim for medical reimbursement, if needed. They are the primary contact in the case of injury, where the member has purchased Out-of-Country SAIP (CLASS 1, 2, 4, or 5) Accident Insurance from CS.


AIG Insurance will coordinate with the injured member or supervising coach, as well as with the treatment facility to either facilitate payment directly to the care facility, or inform the member/coach on how to make get reimbursed.


The CS accident Report form and the Incident Report form must be submitted as soon as possible after the accident, but no later than 24 hours after the accident.

*Please note that the CS's accident insurance is “excess insurance”, which means that you must exhaust all other valid insurance coverage, from your Provincial/Territorial healthcare system first, followed by any personal accident insurance (Blue Cross, benefits through parents or work, etc.) before attempting to make a claim through the AIG/FC.