Safe Sport


Riders Advancement and Development Program

(RAD Program)


Formerly known as the Youth Performance Program, the Riders Advancement and Development Program (RAD Program) is a joint initiative between the Sport & System Development Department and the High-Performance Department that aims to provide more opportunities to all stages and disciplines of riders and coaches to understand, learn, implement and reach high performance habits & skills in the most effective way possible. It will also help Canada Snowboard and the PTSAs to identify, recruit, and mentor future athletes and leaders. Our goal is to lead the athlete and coach development pathway from Learn to Train to Train to Win; supporting the PTSAs with the implementation of stage-by-stage specific development activities, increasing the awareness of high-performance skills, requirements, and habits at the lower LTD stages. To identify, track and mentor potential future high performance athletes at early development stages. This program will offer opportunities and resources to coaches and athletes to ensure a full spectrum of development.


The 2024/2025 RAD Program Event stops will include (but are not yet limited to):

  • Mt Sima, YK - Snowboard Cross