Safe Sport

Canadian Snowsports Association (CSA) Supports Clean Athletes and Fair Competitions (Anglais)

19 August 2016

Sochi Olympic Winter Games - 2014

The Canadian Snowsports Association (CSA) has been closely following the actions of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA); International Olympic Committee (IOC); International Ski Federation (FIS); and in particular the reports of Dick Pound and Professor Richard McLaren as these relate to any doping issues during the Sochi Olympic Winter Games.

The CSA recognizes that the work by Professor McLaren is ongoing and that further action is contemplated by the IOC and FIS.

The CSA is totally supportive of the efforts by those who are committed to supporting clean athletes and will be relying on FIS as well as the IOC to act decisively with respect to any doping infractions detected during the Sochi OWG and to issue appropriate sanctions as required by the Rules.

The Chairman of the FIS Anti-Doping Committee, Canadian Council member Patrick Smith, has been following the investigation and there will be a review once all data has been properly gathered and evaluated.

We are aware that to date, all current efforts by IOC/IPC/WADA have been directed towards the IOC and IPC Rio summer games.

It is our understanding that once the RIO games have been concluded attention will turn towards Sochi and the details of Professor McLaren’s findings as they relate to Sochi and in particular the OWG will be evaluated.

All athletes deserve to compete on a clean, level and safe playing field. The CSA is committed to doing all that is within our control to make this possible.

For further information, contact:

Dave Pym
Managing Director, CEO
Canadian Snowsports Association



Name: Dave Pym
Organization: Canadian Snowsports Association
Email: qclz@vfez.pbz
Phone: 604-734-6802
URL: http://www.canadaskiandsnowboard.com

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